Terpenes & Us — terpene couchlock
MYRCENE EXPLAINED! - Everything We Know So Far About This Terpene Isolate!
Posted by Jack O'Leary on

What do mangoes, lemongrass tea, beer, basil, and almost every strain of cannabis have in common? Myrcene! Myrcene (MUR-seen), also known as beta-myrcene, is a mango-smelling monoterpene and the most common terpene found in cannabis. If you know nothing about terpenes, myrcene is the best one to learn about first, due to its prominence in cannabis, its profound physiological effects, and it immense potential in other applications. MYRCENE'S PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS Myrcene is known for its sedative and muscle relaxant effects and most cannabis strains packed with this peppery. The terpene enhances the effects of GABA (Gamma-amino butyric acid) at the...