Jack Herer
Jack Herer is a popular sativa strain blend often described as the "perfect blend" by many of its users. Jack Herer has a little bit of it all when it comes to its terpene profile, including, ocimene, limonene, beta-pinene, myrcene, among many more.
Jack Herer’s scent is said to be reminiscent of pine and spice, creating an inviting appeal for everyone. Its smell also has a hint of orange juice and lemon in it, to break up the earthy base. Some say that Jack Herer can leave a delicious cake-like whiff in the air, mixed with a bit of pepper.
Our Terpene Blends contain NO cannabis, THC, CBD. They're non-psychoactive and sourced from botanicals. No cutting agents - We don't use any additives, diluents, or carrier agents to artificially enhance or dilute our products.